What data does Melio sync with Xero?

  • Updated

All unpaid bills and their vendors in Xero will be synced into Melio during the first sync. 

Following that, whenever you create a bill with a new vendor in Xero, the bill and the vendor details will be synced into Melio.

The sync happens automatically every hour. You can also manually sync your accounts.

Here are the fields and transactions that sync to and from Xero:


Melio Pay - Accounts payables

Vendor list:

Xero field name


Melio Field Name

Company name

Vendor's company name

First name + Last name



Email address

Contact Phone

Phone number

Billing address

Address line 1

Billing address

Address line 2

City / Town


State / Province


Zip code

Zip Code


Transactions - Bill:

Xero field name


Melio Field Name


Vendor name

Mailing address

Check delivery address

Bill date

Date bill entered (hidden)

Due Date

Due Date

Bill no.

Bill #

Line 1



Xero category


Note to self


Total amount


Total amount


URL link to bill in Melio


Invoice image


Transactions - Bill payment:

Xero field name


Melio Field Name


Vendor name

Bank / Credit account

Bank/ credit Account

Payment date

Payment: deducted date OR processed date

Ref No.

Check # OR Bank transfer #


Full payment amount


Workflows: What actions occur where?

Bill creation workflows - Action performed in Xero:

Xero Action


Melio Action

Create bill

Bill created in Melio

Edit bill

Bill updated in Melio

Delete bill

Bill removed from Melio

Mark bill as paid

Bill removed from Melio

Payment unapplied from bill

Bill balance updated in Melio


Bill creation workflows - Action performed in Melio:

Xero Action


Melio Action

Bill created in Xero

Create bill

Bill updated in Xero

Edit bill

Bill deleted in Xero

Delete bill

Bill updated in Xero

Mark as paid

Bill updated in Xero

Mark as unpaid


Bill payment workflows - Action performed in Xero:

Xero Action


Melio Action

Schedule bill payment

Bill payment scheduled in Melio

Edit scheduled bill payment

Does not sync when payment was made in Melio


Delete scheduled bill payment

Does not sync when payment was made in Melio


Void scheduled bill payment

Does not sync when payment was made in Melio



Bill payment workflows - Action performed in Melio:

Xero Action


Melio Action

Bill payment scheduled in Xero

Schedule bill payment


Edit scheduled bill payment

Bill payment deleted in Xero

Cancel scheduled bill payment


Payment processed / paid


A few important notes about the sync:

  • Bills paid outside of Melio must be marked as paid in Xero only. Marking the bill as paid in Melio will create a duplicate payment entry in Xero.
  • Deleting a bill in Melio will delete it from Xero.
  • If you have paid or marked as paid bills in Xero but they still appear as unpaid in your Melio inbox, manually sync the accounts in Settings- Sync accounting software to delete the bill from the Melio account.


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