Check fees are automatically taken from the same payment method used to pay your vendor's bill. It's easy to change your settings so that check fees are paid using a separate payment method.
Here's how:
1. Go to Settings from the left sidebar.
2. Scroll down to Payments & billing.
3. Click Billing.
4. In the box Pay paper check fees separately, click Add method.
5. Choose from your connected payment method which will be used to cover the check fees. Click Save.
Note: Want to add a new payment method?
If you want another payment method to be used for the check fees, start by connecting it to your account.
- Follow the steps to connect a bank account instantly or with micro-deposits.
- Follow these steps to connect a credit or debit card.
6. Your payment method will now be used to deduct all check fees until removed or changed.
Remove or change the payment method for check fees.
1. Go to Settings in the left sidebar.
2. Scroll down to Payments & billing.
3. Click Billing.
4. Under Payment method for check fees, click the three dots next to the payment method.
5. Select Change or Remove from the dropdown list.
- Selected Change? Choose a new payment method. Click Save.
- Selected Remove to delete this funding source? Click Remove in the warning popup to confirm that check fees will now be deducted from the same payment method used to pay the bill.