On Melio you have a legal business name and a company name.
Here’s the difference:
Legal business name
This is the name that was on your official paperwork when you registered your company, corporation or LLC with the state. It is used for taxes and official government purposes.
It’s possible that your legal business name is the same as your company name. Or it might be similar, but with a .co, .inc or LLC added to the end.
For sole proprietors, the legal business name and the company name are the same as they are both the individual's personal name by default.
Beyond your legal name, other required legal information includes:
- legal business name
- Business phone number
- legal business address
- The industry the business operates in
- Business type (one of them):
- Sole-proprietorship
- Partnership
- Limited Liability Company
- Corporation
- Non-profit organization
- Non-governmental organization
- Municipal Corporation
- Tax ID type (one of them):
- EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- SSN (Social Security Number)
- ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)
- Tax ID number: must be 9-digits long
Company name
This is a customer-facing name. It could be on your packaging, storefront, branding and more. It’s also referred to as “trade name” or “DBA (doing business as) name”. It can be the same as a legal business name, but is often a shortened version or something more memorable.
Beyond your business name, other company information may include:
- Business address
- suite number (optional)
- Your full name
When you send a payment to a vendor, they will see your company name in their email.