There are several reasons you may wish to hide a client. You could have created a client by mistake, have duplicates, or have clients that aren't relevant to your day-to-day work.
This article will cover:
What happens when I hide a client?
A hidden client will no longer be visible across all firm members.
Scheduled payments for the hidden client continue as usual. Firm members can always unhide the client if they wish to access it again.
How to hide a client from your dashboard:
1. Sign into your firm’s Melio account.
2. Go to Clients in the left sidebar.
3. Locate the client you wish to hide.
4. Click the three dots, then click Hide client.
5. Click Hide in the pop-up message to confirm.
That’s it! You’ve successfully hidden this client. You’ll no longer see this client in your dashboard or from the client dropdown list (located at the top of your dashboard).
How to see my firm’s hidden clients:
1. Go to Clients in the left sidebar.
2. Under +New client, click Active clients.
3. Select Hidden clients to view all of your hidden clients.
How to unhide a client:
1. Go to Clients in the left sidebar.
2. Under +New client, click Active clients.
3. Select Hidden clients to view all of your hidden clients.
4. Locate the client you wish to unhide.
5. Click the three dots, then click Unhide client.
6. Click Unhide in the pop-up message to confirm.
NOTE: Which team members can hide/unhide a client?
Any firm member who is assigned to that client. Learn more about the different user roles in Melio.