Your team member scheduled a payment that needs admin approval. This article shows how it’s done.
By assigning roles and permissions to team members, the business owner and admins can approve payments that meet certain criteria.
This article is relevant for: Core subscribers, Boost subscribers.
How to approve or decline a payment:
1. Sign in to your Melio account.
2. Go to Pay in the left sidebar.
3. Go to the Approvals tab. All the payments that need your attention appear here.
2. Approve or Decline the payment:
To approve:
1. Click Approve.
2. The payment will be scheduled now. It will move to the Payments tab, under the Scheduled sub-tab.
3. You and the team member who scheduled the payment will get an email that the payment was approved.
To decline
1. Click the three dots.
2. Select Decline from the dropdown list.
3. In the Decline payment popup, you can inform your team member why you declined this scheduled payment.
4. Click Decline payment to confirm.
5. The declined payment will move to the Payments tab. It will be clearly marked with a red label Declined.
Note: Resending the payment.
To resend the payment you need to cancel it, and create the bill again or pay without a bill.
6. You and the team member who scheduled the payment will get an email that the payment was declined.