How to set a default payment method

  • Updated

Melio lets owners and admins choose a preferred payment method to set as default. This makes it easier for anyone in the account to make a payment as they won’t need to guess which account or card it should be made from. 


Here's how to set a default payment method:

1. Click Settings in the left sidebar.

2. Scroll down to Payments & billing.

3. Click Payment methods.

Settings- Payments & billing- Payment methods.png


4. On the right, click the three dots in the payment method you prefer.

5. Select Set as default from the dropdown list.

payment method you prefer- three dots- Select Set as default.png


6. The selected payment method is labeled DEFAULT with a black label.

payment method is labeled DEFAULT.png


7. Next time you schedule a payment, you’ll see your default method at the top.

default payment method at the top when making a payment.png


8. The default payment method will also be selected when making a batch payment.

default payment method when making a batch payment.png

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