Track all your incoming payments

  • Updated

Melio makes it easier to track incoming payments. When a payment is sent to you either by a payment request or the payment link, we notify you with an email.

You can track the status of your incoming payment in 2 ways:

1. In the email you receive

2. In Get Paid on your Melio account

This article also shows what failed and canceled incoming payments look like.


Tracking your incoming payment in the email you receive

The email is sent from Melio Service. It will include details such as:

  • Amount
  • The delivery method that was used to send the payment
  • The estimated delivery time
  • Invoice number (should the customer has it)
  • Payment ID (helps identifying the payment when contacting support)
  • Trace number (NATCHA for ACH bank transfer or Root ID for instant payments)

Here’s an example of what it would look like:

Example of the notification email.png


To track the payment’s journey:

1. Click Track payment in the email you received.

2. We will show you the payment journey indicating when:

  • The payment was scheduled
  • The payment is sent  
  • The payment is expected to arrive

The payment journey.png


3. Once the payment is delivered we will advise the time and date. In case of a paper check payment we will advise when it was deposited.

Payment delivered.png



Tracking your incoming payment in Get Paid on your Melio account

1. Sign in to Melio.

2. Go to Get Paid in the left sidebar.

3. Click on an invoice, payment request, or payment from one of the four tabs.select_an_item.png

4. The Details page will open on the right.5. Click the Timeline tab.click_timeline.png


The timeline view shows the most recent event at the top and the first event at the bottom. 

This way, it’s easy to see the current status of a specific invoice, payment request, and incoming payments.payment_timeline.png
Here are some of the most common items you will probably come across in your timeline:

  • Invoice created in Melio - an invoice was uploaded or created.
  • Payment was scheduled - your payment request was seen and accepted by your customer.
  • Payment started processing - Your customer paid the invoice and the payment is being processed by Melio.
  • Payment was completed - processing ended successfully and the funds have been sent to your bank account.
  • Invoice marked as paid - incoming payment was received and you marked the invoice as paid.


Failed payment

If the payment failed to successfully deliver, you’ll get an email notification letting you know.

The email’s subject line will be: “A payment from [your customer name] of [amount] has failed | Invoice #”. 

To resolve this issue, please contact support.

Here’s an example of the email notification:
failed payment email notification.png 


Here’s what a failed payment looks like in:

In the email notification

Click Track payment to see it in the payment journey.The payment journey- failed payment.png 


Get paid on your Melio account

Failed payments stay in the In-progress tab. 

Under the Status column They are marked with a red dot and the label ‘Failed’.

Under the Amount column the amount is in red so as to stand out.Failed payment in Get Paid.png


You can also filter the list to see all your failed incoming payments. Simply click the filter icon and select Failed from the dropdown list.Failed filter in In progress tab in Get paid.png



Canceled payment

A payment can be canceled only by the customer. You’ll get an email letting you know that the scheduled incoming payment was canceled.

The email’s subject line will be: “A scheduled payment of [amount] from [your customer name] has been canceled”.

We suggest that you contact the customer to understand why the payment was canceled. 

Here’s an example of what the email looks like:Example of the notification email- cenceled payment.png 


Here’s what a canceled payment looks like in:

In the email notification

Click Track payment to see it in the payment journey.The payment journey- failed payment.png 


Get paid on your Melio account

Canceled payments stay in the In-progress tab. Under the Status column They are marked with a red dot and the label Canceled.Under the Amount column the amount is in red so as to stand out.Cenceled payment in Get Paid.png
You can also filter the list to see all your canceled incoming payments. Simply click the filter icon and select Canceled from the dropdown list. Canceled filter in In progress tab in Get paid.png 
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