On the first time you’re scheduling a payment with Melio, you need to enter your business legal details. These include:
- Legal business name.
- Business phone number.
- Legal business address.
- Industry the business operates in.
- Business type:
- Sole-proprietorship
- Partnership
- Limited Liability Company
- Corporation
- Non-profit organization
- Non-governmental organization
- Municipal Corporation
Tax ID Number (only one).
- EIN (Employer Identification Number).
- SSN (Social Security Number).
- ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number).
This article will cover:
We’ll use this information only to verify your business. It will not appear on checks sent on your behalf, bank statements or emails sent to your vendors.
Note: Company information and legal details.
The legal details could be but don’t have to be the same as your company information.
How to enter your business legal details
- Legal business name.
- Business phone number.
- Legal business address.
- Industry the business operates in.
- Business type:
- Sole-proprietorship
- Partnership
- Limited Liability Company
- Corporation
- Non-profit organization
- Non-governmental organization
- Municipal Corporation
- EIN (Employer Identification Number).
- SSN (Social Security Number).
- ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number).
Important notes:
- When entering your Tax ID number, make sure it is 9-digit long.
- It's only required to enter once, and is only used internally to verify your business for legal purposes.
3. Click Save and pay.
Editing your company legal details
You can edit the legal details in your account.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Sign in to Melio.
2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.
3. Select Company settings.
4. Click Edit under Company details.
5. Scroll down to Company legal information, and edit the relevant details. Click Save to finish.