Add companies to Melio's multi-company view

  • Updated

Managing several business accounts from Melio is not only possible - but super simple!

Who can benefit from a multi-company view?

Multi-company view is great for owners of several businesses, for example, a chain of laundromats in different locations. 

With one sign-in, the multi-company view helps you see all locations on one dashboard. Easily switch between them to manage their payments separately.

If you already manage several different accounts in Melio - you can connect them together in one primary account. 

Alternatively, if you have one Melio account and want to add another business, just add the new business to the existing Melio account using the multi-company view.


Where to manage all the companies?

When using the multi-company view there are 2 types of accounts:

  • Primary account- The Melio account where all the other accounts appear.
  • Secondary account- A Melio account that appears within the primary account. You can manage the bills of the secondary accounts by selecting each one of them separately from the primary account dashboard.

First, you need to choose one of your companies as the primary account. The other companies will appear under Companies of that account.

Once you add companies to your primary account, you no longer need to sign in to every single one of them separately.


Here’s how to make the account primary:

1. Sign in to the Melio account you want to make primary.

2. Click Settings in the left sidebar.

3. In Profile Settings, scroll down and toggle on Multi-company dashboard.

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4. Once enabled, Companies will appear in the left sidebar.



Note: Turning off multi-company dashboard.

You can’t turn off multi-company if you have at least one company with at least one vendor and one payment. The multi-company dashboard feature will be deactivated.

To turn it off after adding companies, contact support here.



Adding companies to the primary account:

After you’ve enabled the dashboard, you can start adding companies:

There are 2 types of companies you can add:

1. New company: A company that doesn't have a Melio account.

2. Existing company: A company that already has a Melio account. 


Adding a new company to your primary account

Here’s how to add a company that doesn’t already have a Melio account:

1. Sign in to your primary Melio account. 

2. Click Companies in the left sidebar. 

3. Click + New company

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4. Fill in the details of the company you want to add. Click Continue.

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3. Are you the business’s owner? Select the relevant option. Click Continue.

the business owner.jpg


a. Clicked yes? 

Review your details, and update them, if needed. Click Confirm and add new company.

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b. Clicked no?

Fill in the details of the owner. Click Add new company.

We’ll invite the business owner to the account.

Note: What it means to invite the business owner.

By inviting the business owner, you grant them the owner role. 

Then, you’re automatically set as an admin. 

Learn more about roles and permissions in Melio.

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That’s it! Once completed, the account will be added to your dashboard.


Adding an existing Melio account

If you’re already managing multiple accounts using several different email addresses in Melio, this is how to get them all in one place. 

With one simple sign-in, you can manage all your companies’ payments.

There are 2 ways to add an existing Melio account to the multi-company dashboard:

1. Through Companies.

2. Through the secondary account.


Adding an existing company through Companies

1. Sign in to your primary Melio account. 

2. Click Companies in the left sidebar. 

3. Click + New company

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4. Fill in the details of the company you want to add. Click Continue.

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5. Select No when asked if you’re the owner of the company. Click Continue.

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6. Enter the details of the owner of the company you want to add. 

If you are the owner of both companies, enter the details you signed up with when you created the account you want to add now. Click Add new company.

enter the detils of the owner of the secondary account.jpg


3. The company will be recognized by the email address you entered. An email will be sent to the account's address.

The company is recognized by the email address.png


4. When you get the email, approve the request. 

5. The account will appear under Companies in your primary account.


Adding an existing company through the secondary account

In this way, the secondary account, meaning the account you want to be added to the primary account, will invite the owner of the primary account as an admin.

1. Sign in to the secondary account, meaning the account you want to add.

2. Click Settings on the left sidebar.


Now, you need to add the owner of the primary account as an admin of the secondary account.

3. Follow these steps to do so.

4. When you get the invitation, accept it. 

invitation email- accept.jpg

5. Sign in to your primary account.


The secondary company now appears in the list of Companies in your primary account.

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