When you get or receive payments, names that appear on the checks and card/bank statements may seem confusing. Now, you can see exactly what to expect.
Bank statement or credit card statement
What you see on your statement
When paying vendors, banks and credit card statements usually display the name of the vendor you’ve paid along with Melio. This way, you can easily reconcile your expenses.
Here’s what it looks like: "Vendor Name melio CCD"
While this format may not be displayed every time, ‘Melio’ will always appear on your statement.
What your vendors see on their statement
When your vendors receive payments via bank deposit, your company's name along with Melio will appear on their bank statement. This way, they can easily identify it.
Here’s what it looks like: "Your Business Name melio CCD"
While this format may not be displayed every time, ‘Melio’ will always appear on your vendor’s statement.
Paper check
What your vendors see on their paper check
When your vendors receive payment via paper check, it has your business's name on it, and looks like this:
NOTE: The text that appears after the Memo.
This is taken from the Leave a memo for your vendor in Melio's payment process.
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